Before you take the test, please confirm

That you do not have type 1 diabetes, Gestational Diabetes (GDM),
MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) or LADA (latent
autoimmune diabetes in adults


Please share your contact details to recieve your diabetes
reversal report and recommendations


OTP for verification

Enter 4 digit code sent on your mobile number

Wrong OTP entered

Didn’t receive OTP? Resend OTP | Edit Number

Otp send Successfully

{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}
{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}
{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}
{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}
{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}
{{ questions[currentQuestion].answerNote }}

Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • {{selection.title}}
Your height & weight are used to calculate your BMI which is a direct indicator of your likelihood of reversal.

Your BMI is {{ bmi | number: 2 }} kg/sq m {{bmiCategory}}


Thanks for taking the assessment for your diabetes goals. The report has been emailed to {{}}. You’ve unlocked a free consult with a Program counsellor. You will receive a call in the next 24 hrs from Fitterfly to -

Understand what reversal means for you

  • How you can supercharge your fight against diabetes with tech-driven personalisation
  • What aspects of diabetes management are missing from your life and how you can include them
  • If you’ve tried to manage or reverse diabetes before and have given up, what you can do differently this time to achieve your goals.

Thanks for taking the assessment for your diabetes goals. The report has been emailed to {{}}. You’ve unlocked a free consult with a Diabetologist. Please schedule your appointment (Calendly link for Program counsellor team)

Thanks for taking the assessment for your diabetes goals. The report has been emailed to {{}}. You’ve unlocked a free consult with a Program counsellor. You will receive a call in the next 24 hrs from Fitterfly to -

Understand what reversal means for you

  • How you can supercharge your fight against diabetes with tech-driven personalisation
  • What aspects of diabetes management are missing from your life and how you can include them
  • If you’ve tried to manage diabetes before and have given up, what you can do differently this time to achieve your goals
What would Diabetes Reversal mean for you?

Find out in this simple calculator